Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

Array Author WordPress Theme

Are you searching for an author theme? Then, here we present the unique and free-to-download Array author theme. Now, you do not need to install external sources. Because this theme is ready to use with a click demo install and other related templates. Creating websites and pages is easy. These themes are from the WordPress collections.

That is why it is perfect for website functions and SEO betterment. No matter whether you are running small businesses or large eCommerce sites, the Array Author theme will support every version. If you get the download from this website, you will get the Array Author theme for free. Premium links are also mentioned here.

What Are Array Author Theme

Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

Array Author is a WordPress theme that makes the reading and writing experience more convenient. The rich and comfortable options provide the best user browsing experience. The available feature enables the users to remove disturbing content. Array Author theme makes it possible to focus on the content entirely. Users can hide any irrelevant functions from the website. You are either creating readable material or creating blog post content. Array Author theme has potent websites that can be used for the entire purpose.


Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

The marketplace is crowded with different themes and plugins. The main thing is if they are suitable for your niche website. On the other hand, the array author WordPress theme perfectly matches the related websites. That comes with the following unique features. So, get details and install it on your website for start-up.

Featured Posts

Author websites need to create feature posts for their websites. The website gets a high kick if they get the same option on one platform. On the other hand, the Array Author theme comes with features caroused posts. That comes with the latest and modern options for web posting. It enables the user to select the category according to the feature post preferences.

Multimedia Pages

Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

Array Author WordPress theme offers full multimedia support. Now, you can create tremendous, easy-to-read material with the available features. Add more charm to the author’s pages so that the reader can get more interest. You can add the following elements to the feature post,

  • Set amazing images
  • Photo with themes
  • Video embedding


Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

Now, you can design an author page as you need. The available templates and designs make the page decorations easy. You can select memorizing images from the public galleries, add text elements, and create graceful feature websites. The array Author theme presents a design that supports every device.

Custom Page Template

You can create a custom archive page to make the work a rapid track. That will imitate the extra pages and work on need. At the same time, the customer page template is possibly a quick view for a short time.

Seamless Setup

Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

Managing a website within a short time is a challenge. It would help if you remained attentive with the rapid setting. But now, this is possible with the help of the Array Author theme. You can do a seamless setup from the dashboard options. The theme has added every option that can be enabled on fingertips, like,

  • Arranging files
  • Endorsed plugins
  • Faqs discriminates
  • Topic license

What More

  • Fast SEO optimizing code
  • Them selection
  • Collection of plugins
  • Regular updates
  • Ready to translate the plugin

Array Author WordPress Theme Demo

Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

Demo links help you to check the website possibilities. By this, you can decide what is the perfect plugin for your niche websites. At the same time, the Array Author theme presents a one-click install demo for checking the possibilities because this theme comes with more design options. That enables you to create astonishing and unique feature posts. So you can create competitive websites for your business. Array Author theme is ideal for,

  • Creative agencies
  • Photography websites
  •  Author websites
  • And bloggers

Prebuilt Websites

Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

Array Author theme presents a prebuilt website. You can use it for related niches or topics. The theme is compact with twenty sub-themes, allowing you to change the entire website’s appearance. Because for every website, you need different elements to use. That is possible with collection and options. Moreover, the theme offers WordPress hosting. That allows you to handle the headless websites.

Tools That Offered

Array Author WordPress Theme
Array Author WordPress Theme

The primary purpose of each theme is tool possibilities. It would be best to have related options to command the website to create any theme or web page. On the other hand, the Array Author WordPress theme offered the following options,

  • Smart plugin manager
  • Website tester
  • Website monitoring
  • WordPress theme
  • Local wordpress development





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